Why content goes Viral – Analyzing 100 Million articles

I came across this fascinating post today on okdork.com, originally shared from BuzzSumo. The article discusses the findings of their research and social share counts from a whopping 100 million articles over an eight month period.

There is a cheat sheet available to download, but they break down their findings into the top 10 things that every site owner should do to maximise their content shares, increasing the chance of going viral.

We all need to sprinkle those special SEO ingredients

I love the fact they phrase it using a cooking analogy or more over a series of speciality dishes containing the 10 special ingredients that will ensure your restaurant produces sensational Michelin five star meals!

Well once you munch away on the top 10 tasks, then they go on to offer much more insight on just how much sprinkling one should do.

The top 10 points raised to maximise your “share-ability”

  1. Long form content gets more social shares than short form content.
  2. Having at least one image in your post leads to more Facebook shares
  3. Having at least one image in your post leads to more Twitter shares
  4. Invoke awe, laughter, or amusement. Appeal to people’s narcissistic side
  5. People love to share lists and infographics
  6. 10 is the magic number for lists
  7. People tend to share content that looks trustworthy
  8. Getting one extra influencer to share your article has a multiplier effect.
  9. Repromote your old content on a regular basis.
  10. The best day overall to publish content for social shares is Tuesday

For their full ingredients and the promise of a full bellied meal, you will need to read the full post here:

Read the full article http://okdork.com/2014/04/21/why-content-goes-viral-what-analyzing-100-millions-articles-taught-us/

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